Pictured: Te Ora Hou community, Wanganui.

Resources and Reports

Helping children and young people in our village to thrive —What can we do?Everyone in a community has a role in shaping the lives of children and young people.

Helping children and young people in our village to thrive —What can we do?

Everyone in a community has a role in shaping the lives of children and young people.

Bright Spots Report

To kickstart the CRC project in 2015, we examined a diverse range of initiatives - our ‘Bright Spots’ - across Aotearoa to find out what works and why.

Briefing for Government Stakeholders

Ten key learnings to share with Government and NGO stakeholders, illustrating the capacity of community-led development to make a difference for children and young people in Aotearoa.

Practices that enable community-led action to enhance child and youth wellbeing outcomes

Research and experience show that children, young people and whānau do better when they live in strong and supportive communities.

Our CRC Practices

Our CRC work is driven by a set of practices that enable people, groups, organisations and places to make positive changes for themselves, their children, their family and the wider community.

Child Youth & Wellbeing Strategy

The Government’s Child and Youth Wellbeing Strategy sets a vision for Aotearoa as the best place in the world for children and young people.

The Harakeke model for parent-led support

Harakeke | Parents for Parents is a parent-led initiative powered by Innovation Unit to create stronger social connections between parents of children under five years old.

Our Theory of Change

The Child Rich Communities Theory of Change shows how the process of community-led development works to make a difference for children, young people and families locally.

Webinar - Connect and Empower!

David Hanna from Inspiring Communities facilitates each webinar and presents on the Child Rich Communities framework.

Connect and Empower! The first webinar explores the principles of engagement, empowerment and connection. Julia Milne (Common Unity) and Steve McLuckie (Shore to Thrive) are presenting.

Webinar - The Big Picture

The Big Picture. The second webinar explores the principles of thinking and working holistically and being responsive. Ginny Larsen (Mairehau Neighbourhood Trust) and Jane Denley and Adam Rivett (Waimate Parenting Hub) are presenting.

Webinar - It’s all about relationships

It’s all about relationships. The third webinar explores the principles of being relationship focused and the importance of collaboration. Lisa McKenzie (Hokonui Highway Project) and Erena Mikaere Most (Ruapehu Whānau Transformation Plan) are presenting.

Webinar - Bright Spots - Full session

We examine 3 lessons that emerged from the Bright Spots report. Starting with two case studies from Lizzie from Waitangirua and Jenny from Whanganui sharing their experience of these three lessons.

Child Rich Communities has a clear mission: to grow a ‘child rich, community-led’ network to improve child and whānau wellbeing across Aotearoa.

Collectively, we can achieve this by: 

Learning from local leaders and community-led activity making a positive difference to children and whānau across Aotearoa. 

Profiling, connecting and supporting these leaders and their activity. 

Nurturing and advocating for community-led action to improve child and whānau wellbeing.

Find learning, inspiration and resources to support your Child Rich journey below.
There’s always room for more - please share your favourite tools so that others can learn and be inspired, too!